On Page SEO Ranking Factor | 2015

Here is the revised version of latest On-Page SEO factors that make sense in 2015 as there are rumours out there at webmasterworld.com.

 On Page SEO Factors 2015

Here is the updated list of Google On-Page SEO Ranking Factors:
  1. To Focus On User Experience Metrics
  2. To Use Shorter Title Meta Tags
  3. To Use Descriptive Meta Description Tags
  4. To Use Original & Fresh Content
  5. To Use Original Images, Photos Or Pics
  6. To Dev & Design Quality Website Or Webpage
  7. To Dev & Design Website Mobile Freindly
  8. To Use Engaging Content (E.g. An Answer, Teaches, informations, How To..)
There are so many prediction about this latest on-page seo from ranking perspective and its most important ranking factors in 2015 and yes it is yet to be updated a little more..So please share your thoughts or points for this, It would be really very appreciable for me.


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