
Showing posts from May, 2015

Off-Page SEO Strategy | 2015

This is 2015 and till now search giant Google itself has been used so many ranking algorithm updates and suggestion to make internet based search engine a better place to get exactly answer or search results for particular search queries and we must follow their recommendation to get amximum of it. So here I have figure out some useful and interesting latest Off-Page SEO Strategy and its important factors that does matter in 2015 : To do Search Engine Submission. e.g. Dmoz Listing To do high authority Local Directories Submission. To do Local Listing. To do high authority Social Bookmarking. To do regular posting at Google+ To do Article Submission such as EzineArticles To do high authority Presentation such as Slideshare , Scribd etc. To use Infographics. To do blogging, commenting & posting usine BlogSpot  and Wordpress  etc. To do PDF Submission. If anything that anyone really want to add something to this above mentioned Off-Page SEO Strateg...

On Page SEO Ranking Factor | 2015

Here is the revised version of latest On-Page SEO factors that make sense in 2015 as there are rumours out there at . Here is the updated list of Google On-Page SEO Ranking Factors : To Focus On User Experience Metrics To Use Shorter Title Meta Tags To Use Descriptive Meta Description Tags To Use Original & Fresh Content To Use Original Images, Photos Or Pics To Dev & Design Quality Website Or Webpage To Dev & Design Website Mobile Freindly To Use Engaging Content (E.g. An Answer, Teaches, informations, How To..) There are so many prediction about this latest on-page seo from ranking perspective and its most important ranking factors in 2015 and yes it is yet to be updated a little more..So please share your thoughts or points for this, It would be really very appreciable for me.

Google Local Search Update Called Pigeon Algorithm

According to , there is a Google local search updates on last May 26, 2015 with huge changes in ranking. This time Google has come with one of its major ranking algorithm called Google’s Pigeon Update and it has been shifted the local search result rank in Google Maps and local packs in wen search. As there are tons of SEO experts claiming the massive changes in ranking and feels like something has happened wrong with the local search results. Rumors are out there at local search forum that there is a bug with Google’s local detection system. Anyways let’s see what will happen.