What Is Facebook EdgeRank?

According to WTWH Marketing Lab Facebook EdgeRank is the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what items populate your and your followers’ Facebook news feed. It gives more weight to videos and pictures over text-only status updates, factors in how old the post is, and determines whether or not your fan would be interested in this content based on their previous interactions with your page. Understanding EdgeRank very important because it determines which of your page’s posts get in front of your fans’ eyes. You need your content to be engaging because if the fans disregard that post, it can ruin your page’s affinity score with that fan, decreasing the chance that they will see your future posts. It Is Based On The Sume Of: Affinity: Measures the relationship between the viewing user and the creator of the story. The closer the relationship the higher the score Weight: Classifies the post by its type, for instance, whether it is a photo upload or a comment on an...